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Sunday 2 November 2014

Happy Clicking!!

Happy Clicking!
Lately, some things on my social profiles on Facebook, Twitter or elsewhere have given me a stark realization. Suddenly I noticed that most of my friends are ‘Professional Photographers’.

So it made me think a bit more as to what is the reason people are drawn towards either getting clicked or clicking these ‘professional pictures’. I got onto thinking and tried to dig deep in quest of reaching the actual root of the situation. So let’s get started with my observations, shall we?

·         Profile pictures on social sites need to garner certain level of attention from friends. Unless there are couple of hundred likes and few 10’s of comments it’s totally not worth it!
·         Phones have become Mini-DSLRS. Phones these days come with 2^10 MP cameras in built that they actually shame the DSLRS.
·         Now that we have established that use of phones have bottle necked to clicking pictures alone, these phones have reached even the most common man of the country giving birth the selfie frenzy generation.
·         The App market are loaded with free picture correcting software’s. These apps are capable of even changing the skin tone to discarding deepest of scars of your face. Not surprised with mosaic like skin tones on your pics anymore!
·         Monkey see monkey do. If he can, why can’t I? After all my father’s hard earned money is totally worth spending on an expensive DSLR camera which I barely know how to use, but its automatic mode will do the job for me and I need to show the rubbish around my city which everybody else see every day BUT they haven’t seen it through my lens yet!
·         All of sudden a few pictures clicked, photoshoped with watermark of your name and a new FB page and BOOM you are now a ‘Professional Photographer’
·         Oh Food! Oh Mountain! Oh beach! Oh a bird! Oh my shoes! Oh my biceps! Oh what the crap! These sentiments have graduated to become life like pictures. They MUST be clicked and posted.
·         If I don’t click and post pictures online = OUTCAST!

Well, I’m no alien to this trend. I am a part of this gang way too. We are all in that time where we just cannot resist flipping our phones out and clicking a picture on doing something new, and that’s not it; just clicking and not posting it on FB or Instagram is a CRIME. Therefore the #Post #Online #With #Annoying #Hashtags is totally compulsory. ;)

So on this note, I would say keep clicking and keep posting because a lot of Mobile brands, Camera brands and the whole of Social Media would crash if we don’t! :)

Happy Clicking!!

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