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Thursday 30 October 2014

Second Nature - Sarcasm

Are you the one?

Do you have problems with keeping up a nice simple conversation without poking some sarcastic statement? Read more and see if you suffer from any of the following symptoms of Sarcasm! :P

  • Appropriateness is a big challenge for you- being cynical and snarky is your forte. It’s an internal struggle to hold a proper conversation without being snippy about it.
  • Finding a compatible date is another challenge you face. Most of the people you meet don’t either understand your humor nor your way to express your actual feelings. You are misunderstood almost every time.
  • Family affairs and gatherings annoy you. In such social arrangements you are forced to like your annoying relatives and irritating kids. You be like ‘How about I smack the poop out of you’ LoL
  • "Can’t you be serious for once?" This is one of the most heard statements from your friends.
  • You find it extremely difficult if you get stuck in an emotional or sentimental moment. You get uncomfortable and squirmy with the overflowing emotions and feel like puking immediately. 
  • Posting a comment on Social Media for you means getting misunderstood all over again because you’d like to say something poking fun at particular posts but fear that others will take you seriously and think you’re unintelligent or rude.
  • You don’t feel the need to slap someone in their faces, you can do it very well by giving them a verbal lashing via Sarcasm.
  • People misinterpret a good amount of your texts because it’s an impersonal means of communication that makes sarcasm even more difficult to distinguish.
  • As much of a struggle as performing satire via text can be, Emojis have come a long way and are a necessary accessory in all of your conversations.
  • When it’s accessible, writing in Italics does you a ton of favors as far as getting your point and humor across.
  • Battles of wits with people who meet sarcasm with sarcasm instead of being offended are your favorite hobby
  • You are too careless to conclude the equation Insults equals Warmth & Kindness
  • The times when you actually do want to be taken seriously are difficult because everyone who knows you is anticipating jokes. You make a statement, they chuckle – it’s second nature. You’ve built a reputation as a not serious person and now you have to go the extra mile to not be brushed off.
Well, you do suffer from extreme case of being sarcastic if you faced any of the symptoms above. Hope you had a good laugh or atleast put a smile on your face while you read this. Subscribe to my blog if you are the sarcastic one and Like it on Facebook if it reminded of someone you know! *wink*

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