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Monday 20 October 2014

Minority – Real or Reel?

Over the weekend 2 major issues were talked about in the entire nation; Maharashtra and Haryana State elections and LGBT acceptance episode on Satyamev Jayate. Both these events made news headlines and had people storming their views on Twitter and Facebook. Even when both these issues are tails apart from each other they had one big factor associated with them – Minority.

When political parties talk about vote banks they are actually talking about Minority vote banks Eg: Muslim Vote bank, Dalit Vote bank, Jaat Vote bank etc. Political parties thrive on these vote banks to gain votes and win seats. They play with the sentiments of the common man belonging to a certain community which could be a regional or religious community and influence them to agree with their dubious agenda. My question is, do we really have anything called Minority for real or is it just a hypothetical misconceptions that these political parties have created for their gains? When we say we all are Indians, how does it matter which religion I follow or which color is my skin or whether I’m Brahmin or Dalit?

For me, when I look around the streets of Mumbai, I cannot identify who is who, all I see are people trying to work hard and earn a living and survive. When I travel in trains I don’t see a compartment which says ‘For Muslims’ Or ‘For Dalits’ its simply says ‘Gents’ and ‘Ladies’. Likewise during festivals, people of all religions come together and celebrate no matter of which religion the festival belongs to. I can state umpteen examples supporting this fact.

Similarly, when the SC tags the LGBT community as minuscule minority and takes away their basic human rights of loving the person of their choice they are not just making an impact on the LGBT alone but also the entire population of India at large.
Both these instances are a result of the political bureaucrats who have taken us for granted and divided all of us and tagged us as a part of some or the other minority group. But the main problem isn't this. If we go down to root level no one can tag you as LGBT Minority or Muslim Minority or any other minority unless we as individuals allow them to do so. Yes, that is the unfortunate truth and that is where all the problem lies. We ourselves need to change our thinking and broaden our horizons to accept every human being as an individual first and what amazing things he or she can offer rather than focusing on which religion one follows or whether he is a man who loves another man or he belongs to the third gender.

Once we all have accepted this fact first, only then no SC or no political party would be able to divide us and exploit our rights, be it our voting rights or basic human rights.
So now, it is for each one us to think is Minority for real or a reel just created by a handful of political leeches and by default hammered into our heads since birth?

*PS – These are my personal views and are not with an intention to offend anyone.

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  1. Very nicely put up. Good one!
    But i have a differnt view here. Section of minority class exist globally and countries(except India) have restricted them with certain guideliness, which are followed by such class without any snag. Unfortunately, only problem with our country are the Politicians - who steer such class for thier benefit - Bangladeshi migrants being the prime example.
    Class should exist and MAJOR rights & previliges should be driven and relished by MAJORITY. Otherwise Majority class existence is in jeopardy

    1. Yes of-course, I agree that minority class exist globally within certain limits and guidelines. Our country is plagued with cripple minded politicians but my post is exactly against this minority and majority issue; existence of which defies the first basic constitutional right of every citizen,,, Equality!! Agree?

